GRAD703 – Week 13

Waves, The evolution of the Chinese characters


As the semester approaches the end, The work is shifted toward studio (702) to craft and bind all the products and get ready for submission. I’ve been formatting and adding images to the exegesis. My word count is over the roof; I must make some major cuts in chapter 3 and 4. I will only include processes that made it to the final and are worth mentioning. All the foiling, embossing, and laser cutting are going to be dropped as they are not relevant to the final product/s.

Even with a substantial reduction in process and method, my word count is still very high. But I don’t see a way to reduce it anymore.

Structure of the word document

I was quite confused about how the document works; after going back and forth with my friend, we are still unclear on some of the text and layout, not sure what to lose, and how the table of content works.

My final edit of the ToC


It has been a fun and challenging semester, and I have many regrets and disappointments, like I couldn’t find a way to make my foiling and embossing work. And the idea of using green tea to make a sensory design is also falling apart. So, in the end, my work can be described with a word: “meh”. Not really happy about it. But that might be a challenge for future me to toggle.