GRAD701 – Week 05

Recap of the week

  • We had a group meeting on Monday (28/03/2022) and we took the feedback and try to experiment with more materials that could also facilitate our goal. We were forcing too much on the idea of adopting, yet to think about the other side of the issue, why are there so many animals waiting to be adopted? And that is what we trying to understand on this week, why or what caused the issue.
  • Reconsider the focus see if there are more opportunities outside our targeted topic.
  • All the research that I gather suggests there are people who are not ready for a serious commitment before they own a pet. And because of that, they don’t fully understand their pet’s behaviours and needs, therefore, could ultimately lead to pet abandonment.
  • Warning and educating people before they get a pet is more important than promoting adoption. It is also essential to let people know what they are doing when they are owning a pet, how to deal with behaviour problems, and how to look for signs of sickness before they get serious. This can save a lot of money in the long run.
Meeting screenshot


  • I feel like I haven’t been in a group that made such rapid decisions. We were going way too fast on the issue of adoption, but soon I realised there is a lag of strong, linked pieces of evidence to make a solid resolution. In another word, our approach to a matter that’s too broad, and the core of the issue might not be able to solve by just providing a platform for adoption.
  • Not until we had our first presentation and our teacher, Marcos pointed out there might be more or another side to the topic.
  • After that, we took the advised and looked into more on the news and seek why animal adoption is needed in the first place. When the new perspective of the problem, we soon realised there are people who own a pet just for the funzy. They do not realise how much effort is needed in order to take care of a pet. A pet, let says a cat, can easily live for 14 years, for the owner, that is a serious commitment. With that fresh understanding, we were trying to figure out what are the reasons people abandon their pets.
  • I set up an anonymous survey using Google Forms and ask people when did they think of getting rid of their pets; it is because they misbehave, illness, moved to a place that not allows pets, or had financial challenges.
  • From the number of responses as of now, I can already see a pattern. More than half of the people were considering abandoning their pets at some point because they don’t understand the behaviours of their pets.
Note book - Poster ideation and draft

Because we took time to redo some of the works that we did, and clarify our issue from the past few weeks. There are not much to show this week. But we do briefly talk about the trajectory of our project in the following weeks. First, we need to get the idea solid. And then make the presentation ready for next week’s formative submission.

Things for me to work on this week

  • Cherry – make the presentation for formative – app – role in the publication.
  • Zhanlong – make the presentation for formative – my part – poster – role in the publication.
  • Yiran – make the presentation for formative – motion graphic – role in the publication.
Help wanted


This post/project is an AUT university assignment, the use of any kind must obey the terms.





