GRAD701 – Week 01
Topic what we can work on
- I suggested we could do a rebrand for a local animal rescue centre, including branding, developing materials, advertising in social media and physical posters and booklets.
- We could be an agency that provided a platform for the animal rescue to share their information with the public. We need to develop an idea for how to make a platform that can bridge the people who want to adopt pets and the animal rescue. I was thinking of making a series of posters and booklets detailing the animal rescue info, where they are, and what kind of pets they have. People can scan a QR code to get the contact and address. We also create a social media account posting updates and notices from them.
- We could form a company and build a platform for educating people why should they consider adoption rather than buying, and why shouldn’t abandon pets. I thought we could make an entire brand design, including identity, materials, publication, posters, social media, and application.
In the end, we decided to form a local company and build a platform for pets rescue and adoption.
When our goal is set. We quickly analyze the area that we can experiment on. Separating the area of interest to individual tasks to explore. And if everything goes as planned, we will have our company established by the end of the week. We were agreed on using the same theme throughout this project.
How I position myself within the group.
- I was always wanted to participate in a complete design for a brand, from logo, colouring, materials and promotion. I think that could really challenge my ability to be more flexible in the field. And also, by working within a group to make one project can also train my communication skill.
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